Code of Conduct

Working in Synnepho Pty Ltd – what is expected of all employees that work at Synnepho?

The Synnepho leadership team and all stakeholders expect Synnepho to conduct its activities ethically and with integrity.

This expectation demands that we:

  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and Australian Government policies;
  • Maintain high standards of professional and business practice;
  • Be an authoritative and respected source and advice, covering a wide range of Information Technologies. A trusted advisor.
  • Conduct our affairs in a way which enhances the reputation of Synnepho.

Our conduct as an organisation is guided by our commitment to always act in the interest of our customers, Synnepho, whilst also looking after our employees wellbeing and development.

Accordingly, we will:

  • Safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of our people, partners and the communities in which we operate;
  • Encourage cooperation, collaboration and teamwork;
  • Acknowledge the importance of balance between work and personal responsibilities;
  • Respect the privacy of our staff members and Synnepho affiliates;
  • Recognise and reward the contributions and achievements of individuals and teams;
  • Manage performance, including poor performance; and;
  • Manage inappropriate behaviour and misconduct.

General conduct

When working in Synnepho, our people will:

  • Behave in a way that upholds Synnepho’s integrity and good reputation of the organisation;
  • Act ethically;
  • Act in good faith and for a proper purpose;
  • Act in the best interests of Synnepho;
  • Act with care and diligence;
  • Treat everyone with respect and courtesy, recognising social and cultural differences;
  • Recognise, value and respect the diversity, heritage, knowledge, cultural property and connection to land of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
  • Treat colleagues fairly, equitably and with due consideration;
  • Be politically impartial and neutral;
  • Perform duties competently and with professionalism, rigour, honesty and integrity;
  • Be familiar with, and comply with, all applicable laws and regulations and Synnepho policies, principles and procedures relating to the position and area of work;
  • Complete the mandatory Code of Conduct training on commencement and every two years;
  • Comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone in Synnepho who has authority to give such directions; and;
  • Report all potential breaches of the Code of Conduct, including illegal activities.

Our people must not:

  • Make improper use of their position in Synnepho to gain, or seek to gain, benefit or advantage for themselves or any other person or organisation;
  • Provide false or misleading information;
  • Bully, victimise or discriminate against any staff member or Synnepho affiliate; or;
  • Behave in a way that intimidates, offends, degrades, insults or humiliates another person.

Health, safety and the environment

Our people will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of colleagues, themselves and others and to prevent harm to the environment.

They will:

  • Identify, assess and take steps to control health, safety and environmental hazards associated with their work;
  • Immediately stop any work that appears to be unsafe or hazardous to the environment;
  • Be familiar with emergency procedures, and ensure visitors are familiar with these procedures; and;
  • Report any workplace health, safety or environmental incidents so action can be taken.

Our people must not:

  • Undertake work unless trained, competent, medically fit and sufficiently rested and alert to do so; and;
  • Undertake work if they may be impaired by drugs or alcohol (illegal, legal or prescribed); or
  • Walk past an unsafe or dangerous situation without taking steps to render the situation safe or notify the responsible person.

Conflicts of Interest

Our people will:

  • Avoid any real or apparent conflicts of interest related to their work for Synnepho, including making a declaration of such conflicts of interest;
  • Disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any real or apparent conflicts of interest in connection with their Synnepho employment; and
  • Declare any private interests held by themselves or a member of their immediate family which conflict, or may appear to conflict, with the interests of Synnepho.

Confidentiality and privacy

Our people will:

  • Maintain confidentiality of information, including commercial information, of Synnepho and others; and
  • Observe the confidentiality and privacy of personal information held by Synnepho.

·        They must not use or disclose confidential information without approval from the senior manager.

Confidential information includes:

  • Information relating to Synnepho, its people or its work, including interactions with any customers or affiliates , that is not publicly available; and;
  • Confidential Government information and information of third parties which they have access to as a consequence of their work with Synnepho; and;
  • New knowledge or research data which has not been approved for publication.

Any information from government security agencies of which Synnepho is partnered, which has not been sanctioned for public release.

Using and protecting Synnepho Information and Resources

Our people will:

  • Use the organisation’s resources (including money, property, facilities, equipment and information systems) lawfully, efficiently and for activities related to their work;
  • Ensure their business travel arrangements are the most economical to Synnepho and at reasonable cost given the nature and purpose of the trip; and
  • Comply with Synnepho physical and information technology security requirements and take care to prevent waste, loss, damage, misuse or theft of Synnepho resources.

They must not:

  • Engage in fraudulent behaviour against Synnepho with the objective of obtaining money or other benefit from, or of evading a liability to, Synnepho; or
  • Make improper use of information acquired whilst working for Synnepho to gain an advantage for themselves or others, or cause detriment to Synnepho or to another person.

Staff responsibilities of managers

Managers have added responsibilities towards staff members and Synnepho affiliates. As managers, they will:

  • Lead by example;
  • Encourage a work environment that is inclusive. Staff should be actively involved in decisions affecting their work and workplace and encouraged to participate in team planning;
  • Encourage staff to develop skills and progress in their careers;
  • Ensure staff complete mandatory training prescribed by Synnepho principles and procedures;
  • Be accurate and fair in assessing the work of others and provide accurate, informative references, including statements to any appeals or grievance;
  • Be fair when considering rewards, promotions, workforce changes or other matters that affect the staff members or Synnepho affiliates;
  • Treat seriously any concerns about behaviour and conduct and take action to address the matter; and
  • Resolve conflicts fairly and quickly and in accordance with established procedures.

Entertainment and hospitality

Offering entertainment and hospitality, including modest corporate gifts, on behalf of Synnepho is a legitimate way to build good relationships provided they do not unduly influence business decision making or cause others to perceive an undue influence.

In providing entertainment and hospitality to guests our people will ensure it is properly approved and for a clearly stated business purpose which is likely to advance the interests of Synnepho and is not just goodwill.


Bribery, inducements and facilitation payments

In dealings with others in Australia or overseas our people will ensure all fees and other payments required to conduct business are legal, made in a transparent manner and properly recorded.

They must not:

  • Engage in bribery or seek to corrupt others.

Gifts and benefits

Our people are not permitted to give or accept gifts or benefits of any significant value related to their employment, including sponsored travel from people or organisations external to Synnepho, without express approval of their senior manager.